
Christi is a web digital platform for christian games

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Christi is a web digital platform for christian games

Game 1 - Verses {Match a quote to a verse [v2: match vice-versa]} Game 2 - Heroes {Match a heroic story to a character of the bible[v2: complete a heroic story]} Game 3 - Quotes {Match a quote to bible character {v2: complete the quote}} Game 4 - Jesus {Match Jesus' activity to one of his scenerios(healing, preaching, miracle) in the bible [v2: who or which other group of people were with him]} Game 5 - The Church {Identify the church a messsage was directed to && [v2: ]} Game 6 - Prophets {Match the prophet to the biblical message or prophecy [v2: ]} Game 7 - Kings {Match the king to the action(atrosity, action, rigth-deeds), [v2: ]} Game 8 - Apostles {Match the apostle to the Message. [v2: ]} Game 9 - The Books {Match the book to the author }

v2: Game 10 - Battles* {Identify the winner of a biblical battle story [v2: identify the kings and the cause of the battle]}

The use of 'v2' refers to potential ideas for an upgraded version.

Getting started npm install npm start

open localhost:3000 in a browser

Progress[ -Installed bootstrap and looking to activate its effect -Creating a new Header - Trying to center the Gamedeck feauture vertically - create the answer options with offcanvas and carousel{currently trying to figure out how to use the vertical-align class to vertically center the Gamedeck element} -attemping to remove the control icons on the carousel - removed the icons and indicators from the carousel - change the timer card to a timer and score card - timer and score card created, footer size to be adjusted. - footer size adjusted - Create a profile page for users - Create a general dashhboard for users results and activities - Creating the quiz component***{ about to create answer options with the react-buttons next to create the quizer initiator button*** - Fixing the Countdown function - Completed the countdown - now to completing the Heroes component } - Starting backend... ]

Tools to use{ -Cards* -Carousel* -Collapse -Dropdown -Modal -Change to navbar* -Offcanvas* -Popover -Progress* -*Spinners -Tooltip }

Scope{ Frontend Backend Hosting CyberSecurity }