
BioVis Contest 2013

Primary LanguagePython

Fixing TIM

BioVis Contest 2013

3-D renderer switch to Pymol from PyMOL.



  • Pymol 1.6
  • PySide
  • PyOpenGL
  • MySQLdb

System Requirements

Ubuntu 12.04 and up

If using either Macintosh or Windows:


  • Download the code by either:

  • From Ubuntu, launch a terminal window

  • Execute the following commands in the terminal window (copy and paste):

    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install build-essential python2.7 freeglut3 libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa python-tk python-pmw python-pip python2.7-dev python-pyside mysql-client python-mysqldb pymol cmake qt4-default python-qt4* git
    • sudo pip install --upgrade pip
    • sudo pip install numpy pyopengl
  • change to the fixingTIM directory and run: python ./qt.py