
Ephemeris via SPICE kernels.

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Tests Docs SciML Code Style


A wrapper around NAIF's SPICE kernel solar system ephemeris platform!


This package is not affiliated with or endorsed by NASA, JPL, Caltech, or any other organization! This is an independently written package by an astrodynamics hobbyist. See the SPICEBodies.jl license file for more information about code sharing and usage!


This package provides a simpler interface to SPICE ephemeris data retrieval for celestial bodies, spacecraft, stationary points, barycenters, and more; all referred to under the umbrella term bodies. When used with SPICE.jl, this package provides a thin wrapper around SPICE toolkit functions that retrieve state vector data, and physical parameters from the SPICE kernel pool. When combined with SPICEKernels.jl, you can download, load, and use SPICE kernels all from within Julia!


pkg> add SPICEBodies

Getting Stated

Please refer to the documentation for more detailed instructions, and usage examples.

julia> using SPICE: furnsh

julia> using SPICEKernels

julia> furnsh(
           de440(),                    # position and velocity data for major solar system bodies
           latest_leapseconds_lsk(),   # timekeeping
           gm_de440(),                 # mass parameters for major solar system bodies
           pck00011(),                 # physical properties of major solar system bodies

julia> earth = KernelBody("earth")

julia> x, y, z, ẋ, ẏ, ż = earth(AstroTime.J2000_EPOCH, wrt="moon")
6-element Vector{Float64}: