Agent-Based SCA - Default Branch setter:

This application will change the default branch of all projects visible to the current user


  • Java 8 installed
  • A Veracode account with permission to edit a default branch
  • An SCA subscription
  • API Credentials (ID and Key)
  • At least one workspace visible which contains at least one agent-based scan
  • Selenium web driver installed (Firefox recommended)

How to use:

  • Package the application using Maven
  • Call the jar by passing the required parameters
  • Example call: java -jar jar-name -vi veracode-id -vk veracode-key -vu *veracode-username -vp veracode-password -dn selenium-driver-name -dl Selenium-driver-location -b branch-name


All parameters are mandatory

  • Veracode Credentials ID *
    • --veracode_id or -vi
  • Veracode Credentials Key *
    • --veracode_key or -vk
  • Veracode Username *
    • --veracode_username or -vu
  • Veracode Password *
    • --veracode_password or -vp
  • Selenium Driver Name *
    • --selenium_driver_name or -dn
  • Selenium Driver Location *
    • --selenium_driver_location or -dl
  • Branch name *
    • --branch_name or -b
    • must be an exact, case-sensitive, match
  • Debug Mode - default false
    • --debug or -d
  • Debug Selenium - default false
    • --debug_selenium or -ds
  • Headless mode - default true
    • --headless or -h