
Copies mitigations from one Veracode profile to another if it's the same flaw based on the following flaw attributes: issueid, cweid, type, sourcefile, and line. The script will copy all proposed and accepted mitigations for the flaw. The script will skip a flaw in the copy_to build if it already has an accepted mitigation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Veracode Mitigation Copier

Copies mitigations from one Veracode profile to another if it's the same flaw based on the following flaw attributes:

  • Static: cweid, type, sourcefile, and line (see Note 1 below)
  • Static (no debug information): cweid, type, procedure and relative_location
  • Dynamic: cweid, path and vulnerable_parameter

The script will copy all accepted mitigations for the flaw. The script will skip a flaw in the copy_to build if it already has an accepted mitigation.

Note: This script requires Python 3!


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/tjarrettveracode/veracode-mitigation-copier

Install dependencies:

cd veracode-mitigation-copier
pip install -r requirements.txt

(Optional) Save Veracode API credentials in ~/.veracode/credentials

veracode_api_key_id = <YOUR_API_KEY_ID>
veracode_api_key_secret = <YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET>


If you have saved credentials as above you can run:

python MitigationCopier.py (arguments)

Otherwise you will need to set environment variables:

python MitigationCopier.py (arguments)

Arguments supported include:

  • -f, --fromapp - Application GUID that you want to copy mitigations from.
  • -fn, --fromappname - (optional) - Application Name that you want to copy mitigations from. Overrides --fromapp.
  • fsn, --fromsandboxname (optional) - Sandbox Name to copy from.
  • -fs, --fromsandbox (optional) - Sandbox GUID that you want to copy mitigations from. Ignored if --prompt is set.
  • -t, --toapp - Application GUID that you want to copy mitigations to.
  • -tn, --toappnames - (optional) - Comma-delimited list of Application Names to copy mitigations to. Overrides --toapp.
  • -ts, --tosandbox (optional) - Sandbox GUID that you want to copy mitigations to. Ignored if --prompt is set.
  • -tsn, --tosandboxnames (optional) - Comma-delimited list of Sandbox Names to copy to - should be in the same order as --toappnames.
  • -st, --scan_types (optional) - Comma-delimited list of scan types to copy mitigations (default: SAST, DAST).
  • -sit, --sca_import_type (optional) - Comma-delimited list of types of SCA issues to import (default: licenses, vulnerabilities).
  • -p, --prompt - Specify to prompt for the applications to copy from and to.
  • -d, --dry_run (optional) - Specify to log potential copied mitigations rather than actually mitigating the findings.
  • -l, --legacy_ids (optional) - Specify to use legacy Veracode application IDs rather than application GUIDs.
  • -po, --propose-only (optional) - If specified, only propose mitigations; do not approve the copied mitigations.
  • -i, --id_list (optional) - If specified, only copy mitigations from the fromapp for the flaw IDs in id_list.
  • -vid, --veracode_api_key_id - VERACODE_API_KEY_ID to use (if combined with --to_veracode_api_key_id and --to_veracode_api_key_secret, allows for moving mitigations between different instances of the platform).
  • -vkey, --veracode_api_key_secret - VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET to use (if combined with --to_veracode_api_key_id and --to_veracode_api_key_secret, allows for moving mitigations between different instances of the platform).
  • -tid, --to_veracode_api_key_id - VERACODE_API_KEY_ID to use for TO apps/sandboxes (allows for moving mitigations between different instances of the platform).
  • -tkey, --to_veracode_api_key_secret - VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET to use for TO apps/sandboxes (allows for moving mitigations between different instances of the platform).


The script creates a MitigationCopier.log file. All actions are logged.

Usage examples

Copy from one application profile to a list of application profiles

python MitigationCopier.py -fn "Origin App Name" -tn "Target App 1, Target App 2, Target App 3"

Copy from one application profile to another with prompts

python MitigationCopier.py --prompt

Copy from one application profile to another, specifying the profiles

python MitigationCopier.py --fromapp abcdefgh-1234-abcd-1234-123456789012 --toapp 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-abcdefghijkl

Copy mitigations for a subset of findings

python MitigationCopier.py --fromapp abcdefgh-1234-abcd-1234-123456789012 --toapp 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-abcdefghijkl --id_list 1 2 3

You must provide the application GUID values for both application profiles. You can look these up by calling the Veracode Applications API (or use the --prompt argument and copy the GUIDs from the console output).

Copy from one application profile to another, specifying the profiles with legacy IDs

python MitigationCopier.py --fromapp 1234567 --toapp 7654321

You must provide the legacy Veracode application ID values for both application profiles. These IDs are available from the Veracode XML APIs.

See which findings are affected in a target profile, but don't copy the mitigations

python MitigationCopier.py --prompt --dry_run


  1. For static findings, when matching by line number, we automatically look within a range of line numbers around the original finding line number to allow for drift. This is controlled by the constant LINE_NUMBER_SLOP declared at the top of the file.
  2. For static findings when source file information is not available, we try to use procedure and relative location. This is less predictable so it is recommended that you perform a dry run when copying mitigations from non-debug code. Unlike when source file information is available, we do not use "sloppy matching" in this case -- we have observed that mitigations in non-debug code are most common when a binary dependency is being reused across teams and thus locations are less likely to change.
  3. The API credentials used are picked with the following priority:
    • For data on the "to" side:
      1. -tid/--to_veracode_api_key_id and -tkey, --to_veracode_api_key_secret parameters.
      2. VERACODE_API_KEY_ID and VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET environment variables
      3. Credentials file
    • For data on the "from" side:
      1. -vid/--veracode_api_key_id and -vkey, --to_veracode_api_key_secret parameters.
      2. VERACODE_API_KEY_ID and VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET environment variables
      3. Credentials file