
Future support for vraptor in several ways

Primary LanguageJava

VRaptor Future

This library helps you to make full use of all resources in a machine where they are not fully used. For example, if a machine hits 30% CPU usage and each request hits the database for 3 different queries, you could execute the queries in parallel, achieve (i.e.) 90% CPU usage and cut down your request time (i.e.) by 1/3.

This library might help even in situations where the CPU (or database connections, or any other managed resource) reaches 100% usage since it breaks sync tasks into multiple pieces.

Traditiona sync code

	result.include("subscription", enrollments.lastValidSubscription(loggedUser));
	result.include("enrollments", enrollments.getCurrentMonth(loggedUser));

Async Java 8+

	async.execute(() -> watcher.updateEnrollmentsIfFinished());
	async.include("subscription", () -> enrollments.lastValidSubscription(loggedUser), Subscription.class);
	async.include("enrollments", () -> enrollments.getCurrentMonth(loggedUser), List.class);

Async java 7-

	async.execute(new Runnable() {
		public void run() {
	async.include("subscription", new Callable<Subscription>() {
		public Subscription call() throws Exception {
			return enrollments.lastValidSubscription(loggedUser);
	async.include("enrollments", new Callable<List<Enrollment>>() {
		public List<Enrollment> call() throws Exception {
			return enrollments.getCurrentMonth(loggedUser);

Pool Size

To configure the pool size (default 10) override your AsyncConfig class:

@ApplicationScoped @Component public class MyConfig extends AsyncConfig {

public int getPoolSize() {
	return 100;


Hibernate Support

Hibernate is supported by default using the OpenSessionInView pattern. If you want to optimize your code and not allow any hibernate lazy loading, override the:

public class CustomSessionFutureCallback extends SessionFutureCallback {

	SessionFutureCallback(FutureSessionProvider provider) {

	protected boolean shouldAllowOpenSessionInView() {
		return false;
