Outsourced Examples. May be outdated.
All of these examples are projects of their own.
A few notes:
- If not stated otherwise the example is for a Raspberry Pi running Linux.
- epdXinYY_full showcase most of what can be done with this crate. This means that they are using graphics feature and use the DisplayXinYY with its buffer.
Special Examples:
This examples used the graphics feature with VarDisplay and therefore a variable buffer(size).
This example doesn't use the graphics feature and handles all the "drawing" by itself. It also has a speeddemonstration included.
Connect epd4in2 display to blue pill board:
- BUSY -> A10
- RST -> A9
- DC -> A8
- CS -> B12
- CLK -> B13
- DIN -> B15
- GND -> G
- VCC -> 3.3
For compiling and flashing, please refer to TeXitois blue pill quickstart.
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
rustup target add thumbv7m-none-eabi
sudo apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi openocd
cd epd4in2_full_blue_pill
# connect ST-Link v2 to the blue pill and the computer
# openocd in another terminal
cargo run --release
Ff you can't connect to openocd you might need to adapt your udev rules or use sudo (openOCD Problems)