
AgileDoctor based on Relational Database and Java.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Code Climate Test Coverage Issue Count Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge

AgileDoctor based on Relational Database and Java.


  • JDK >= 1.8.0


### Installation of Derby Database. Goto http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_downloads.html and download bin distribution. Extract the downloaded package. Set environment variable DERBY_HOME to the Derby directory. Put derby*/bin in environment variable PATH.

## Start Derby Database Open a new cmd, use cd command to change the current path into CurrentProjectPath/db/ Execute command startNetworkServer.

Folder definition:

  • src : java source code here.
  • dbs.db: sqlite database.
  • sqlite : sqlite-jdbc jar file.
  • eclipselink : jpa interface implemented with eclipselink.
  • doc : documentation for the current project.

Generate tables in the sqlite Database:

  1. Right-click the project folder, select JPA Tools > Generate Tables from Entities to generate tables, output mode (Database or Both)

Package definition:

  • model : Concepts/Classes, corresponding Tables in database.
  • jpa : All manipulations with the database, CRUD.
  • view : gui design.
  • control : logic code, the main function is defined here.
  • engine : game engine implementation.

Bug logging:

  • A bug in EclipseLink: 2 OneToMany with same element type are mapped to a same relation table with a_b_b. This bug is corrected by introducing 2 new sub classes.

##Update: Major modifications: * 1:Add session state conditions. Now the engine can decide which session to enter

  • 2:Add default abnormal states phrases (by adding a new construction function in PatientPhrase)
  • 3:Running: If Session State is not Normal, which means patient's phrase primitif type is not "AnswerWithInfo", the corresponding AInformation can't be got. Other modifications
  • 1 APhrase add primitive type: Questioning
  • 2 model: PatientPhrase add findByType but not implementing (the idea is to add query which can get patient's phrases by primitive type


  • information query method should be changed.
  • Debug system parameter and algorithm.
  • add ms3 and test all
  • implement engine.DChar.calcFromDoctorPhrase
  • implementengine.DChar.calcDropFlag
  • implementengine.PActChar.calcFromPatientPhrase

Comments for essay:

  • A new state "END" has been added into DialogueSession state.

Hints for JPA Inheritance:

  1. Superclass just defines the common properties, superclass won't be persisted. Put an annotation * @MappedSuperclass * on the superclass.
  2. Superclass and childrenclass are created in a single table. Put an annotation * @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) * on the superclass.
  3. Different tables are created for Superclass and childrenclass. Put an annotation * @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) * on the superclass.
  4. One table is created for the common data and additional tables are created childrenclass. Put an annotation * @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) * on the superclass.