My personal ES6 boilerplate, to make it easy to experiment with ES6.
It's inspired by:
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd es6-boilerplate
# Install dependencies
npm install
# To use global command `gulp`
npm install -g gulp
Runs an initial build, listens on your files changes, rebuilds them when necessary and automagically reloads the browser!
gulp watch
Transpiles ES6 code into regular ES5 (today's JavaScript) so that it can be run in a today browser. Like traceur but doesn't need a runtime to work. Formerly known as 6to5.
Babel is configured to transpile ES6 modules into CommonJS syntax and we use browserify to bundle the code into one file to deliver it to the browser.
Browserify walks through all files and traces down all require()
s to bundle all files together.
Makes faster consecutive browserify builds, and emit events on files changes.
Task runner to make defining and running the tasks simpler.
Automatically reload the browser on HTML and JS changes, injects CSS transparently. Also synchronizes all your open browsers on the same page (scrolling, clicking, etc).
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets: Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.