
Run you PHP websites running Pow.cx, finally Apache-free development!

Primary LanguageRuby

PHP Pow Powered

This project uses Rack middlewares to host a PHP application on Pow.

With guard and Rack::LiveReload your browser will automagically refresh whenever a source file is saved (even faster with CSS files that will be injected).

How to use in your project

Clone this repo, then copy these files in the root of jour PHP project:

  • Gemfile
  • Guardfile
  • config.ru

Then, in the project root run:

# Only if you use Mac OS X *El Capitan*
brew link openssl --force

# Install dependencies
bundle install

# Link to Pow
ln -s . ~/.pow/
# or, more easily (https://github.com/Rodreegez/powder)
powder link

# To auto-reload your browser whenever you save a file


The public/ directory is automatically static-served by pow. This means you can't put PHP files in there, or the browser will respond with the sources.

This is why the directory is called public_/.