- 3
Laravel 5.2: No hint path defined for [modulename]
#280 opened by t4tobgay - 6
php artisan make:module:controller failing when Modules moved outside App namespace
#315 opened by pacilondo - 0
- 0
module blade directive doesn't run
#322 opened by d8vjork - 2
Creating files in the wrong folder.
#320 opened by Litiano - 5
Registering module specific artisan commands
#292 opened by oleksandr-shubin - 3
Translation Error
#324 opened by indowebdeveloper - 1
Seeder class path wrong with wrong namespace
#321 opened by rutvij2292 - 5
Module seed not working
#318 opened by HWilliamRS - 1
Module Seeding
#317 opened by kevin1193 - 1
route not found
#312 opened by wordpress-lab - 1
Domain to Module Route
#333 opened by jcbagtas - 1
Artisan Command 'make:module:model' Undocumented
#332 opened by pixelskribe - 22
Laravel 5.5 - will be compatible?
#313 opened by vertisan - 1
Sessions not working in module controller.
#328 opened by pixelskribe - 5
Question about the module manifest file
#326 opened by chriskonnertz - 3
Routes not Working in production
#302 opened by lucassmacedo - 1
Nothing works for me
#325 opened by steveops - 1
where are models created for each module?
#323 opened by MaryamMoeindarbari - 1
Wrong Seeder name with command
#297 opened by ChristianGiupponi - 1
Auth::user() return null
#319 opened by yukopangestu - 0
#309 opened by piskar - 1
Rename a module.
#308 opened by kevin1193 - 0
making a module controller with a hyphenated module slug results in nested pathing
#284 opened by timjackson490 - 1
Execute function on enable() / disable()
#303 opened by nicholaszuccarelli - 0
Code Smell in ModuleServiceProvider
#300 opened by pankitgami - 0
Access module routes
#296 opened by ChristianGiupponi - 1
something wrong with command make:module:seeder slug name ,and command module:migrate:refresh
#287 opened by kim-chi - 0
- 1
Laravel 5.3 validation errors are not persisted when redirect from one controller to another control in the same module
#260 opened by hungtruongquoc - 1
Is it possible to use hooks?
#290 opened - 1
Getting a copied module to work
#311 opened by cerberus478 - 0
How I can setup table prefixes?
#285 opened by gandra - 4
Laravel 5.4 testing
#275 opened by gayanhewa - 0
New Module Generators
#307 opened by skrolikowski - 2
- 3
How to set the call order of the modules
#301 opened by lucassmacedo - 1
Undefined variable: in laravel 5.4
#293 opened by PlaynowGames - 1
- 2
Using Modules with Lumen
#257 opened by p-nagendra - 3
Who can help me answer this question?
#288 opened by caoyuanlianni - 2
- 1
Console migration:refresh ignore the order of the batch in the table migrations
#269 opened by nurmanhabib - 2
Can I safely not load this package in production?
#267 opened by DanVeira - 2
Class 'Module' not found L5.3
#268 opened by brryfrmnn - 1
Batch in migrations ignored on rollback
#263 opened by madebymouses-user - 2
Could not install Caffeinated/modules package
#254 opened by Brotzka - 6
make:module endless run in Step #1
#255 opened by Brotzka - 1
- 2
Modules View Composers
#256 opened by bee-interactive