- 3
Incorrect Import in ServiceProvider
#437 opened - 0
#441 opened by ChZhg123 - 5
Laravel 9 not Supported
#440 opened by Matlord93 - 3
how to load factory in module ?
#337 opened by andhikayuana - 0
Routes prioritising
#438 opened by Tadaz - 0
- 1
[Request] - PHP 8 Support
#435 opened by UnderlineWords - 0
How to migrate to Laravel 8 version
#433 opened by ext-rgonzalez - 0
laravel 8 not support
#424 opened by ldavidsp - 1
laravel 5.8 not support
#416 opened by Alok77 - 0
Problem with heroku and the views of my application
#434 opened by isaias007 - 1
Routes not defined
#432 opened by mnwalker - 0
Routes not defined
#431 opened by mnwalker - 0
Hai teman-teman
#429 opened by tegarsubkhan236 - 0
- 0
[Suggestion] Get all modules by locations
#395 opened by UnderlineWords - 2
laravel 7 support
#414 opened by brijeshbchavda - 1
How to include modules assets
#411 opened by dwarkesh0204 - 1
- 2
Installing module dependencies
#402 opened by karneaud - 0
- 1
Call to undefined function studly_case()
#404 opened by UnderlineWords - 5
Call to undefined function Caffeinated\Modules\Repositories\str_slug() in Laravel 6.0
#401 opened by ly-dev - 0
cant use route:cache
#400 opened by medspec - 0
add make:module:factory command
#398 opened by shaband - 0
- 1
Route name is not recognize with artkonekt menu
#393 opened by lucasdidur - 2
- 2
how to delete module
#368 opened by 791487145 - 1
accessing api
#392 opened by Workaja - 1
Publishing views
#388 opened by tok3 - 1
incorporate vuejs
#389 opened by medspec - 2
How to speed up the caffeinated?
#372 opened by dadopl - 2
Wrap modules in parent directories such as: Admin/Modules, User/Modules, ...
#350 opened by waiylkarim - 1
- 4
config:cache is being duplicated
#371 opened by nguyentranchung - 0
Vendor:Publish config files
#363 opened by illuminate3 - 7
Installable module
#359 opened by nasirkhan - 2
safe delete
#354 opened by parsa-JPM - 5
- 5
custom driver
#355 opened by athiffau - 1
- 2
Question: What does the ID value stand for?
#373 opened by chriskonnertz - 3
Unable to locate factory with name [default] [App\Modules\User\Models\User].
#353 opened by jameshine - 1
Module's Route Group prefix from module's config file
#357 opened by owency - 1
use other modules
#356 opened by parsa-JPM - 1
Slug and Module::isEnabled() error
#338 opened by svv-name - 5
Laravel 5.6 support
#347 opened by appdezign - 1
- 3
Command "maker:migration" is not defined.
#336 opened by kevin1193