Command line utility to automate downloading of EEFlux images from the EEFlux App. This was developed with a single project in mind and is not intended to be used by the public. Comments and advise are welcome though.
CafEEFlux is a cross-platform command line interface that can be run on numerous flavors of linux, Windows, and Mac OS. The application will download multiple image layers supported by EEFlux within a given date range at a given location and filter by cloudiness and tier level. The current version only downloads images generated from Landsat8.
From the EEFlux website (
"A reference for general equations for EEFlux, based on those of METRIC is available at: which is an Intech book chapter compiled by Dr. Ayse Kilic (Irmak) of the Univ. Nebraska-Lincoln and associates at the University of Idaho and Desert Research Institute in 2012. An original reference for METRIC is Allen et al., 2007 published in the ASCE J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering."
All options are specified on the command line. Use the option "-h" (or "--help") for details.
> CafEEFlux -h
Usage: eeflux [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
--lat Latitude (decimal degrees) for image location
--lon Longitude (decimal degrees) for image location
--startdate Starting date to get images; in form of yyyyMMdd
--enddate Ending date to get images; in form of yyyyMMdd
--cloudiness Percent cloudiness value (0-100), images with value above specified value will be excluded from download
--tier Tier value threshold (1,2), images with values above specified value will be excluded from downloaded
--writepath Absolute or relative path to write the files to. If not specified, images will be downloaded to current working directory
--imagetypes Comma separated list of image types to download. Quotes are required. [true_color, false_color_4, false_color_7, albedo, ndvi, dem, land_use, lst, etr24, eto24, etrf, etof, eta]
-q|--quiet Sets quiet mode, meaning no user interaction. Default is true. [true, false]
The images will be downloaded into the current working directory, unless otherwise specified by the --writepath option.
The following will download NDVI and ETOF images that overlap the point (46.781021, -117.081407) between April 01, 2015 and Sept. 01, 2016. Images that have cloud cover more than 20 percent and a quality level of T2 or RT will not be downloaded.
> CafEEFlux --lat 46.781021 --lon -117.081407 --startdate 20150401 --enddate 20160901 --cloudiness 20 -tier 1 --imagetypes "ndvi, etof" -q false
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Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.