
This is a Drupal 6 module that adds friend-of-friend functionality to Friendlist via the OQGRAPH MySQL storage engine.

friendlist_graph is an add-on to the Friendlist Drupal module.

== What? ==

This module transposes Friendlist data to a new type of MySQL table (OQGRAPH)
and then allows it to be queried in new and interesting ways. For instance,
it allows you to play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with your Drupal users or
find out how two arbitrary users are connected.

== Prerequisites ==

This module will only work if you use MySQL or MariaDB with OQGRAPH support.
Visit http://ourdelta.org/ to find out more about OQGRAPH and to download
MySQL or MariaDB packages for your systems.

== License ==

This module is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2+ license. See
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html for full details.

== Authors ==

Arjen Lentz	<arjen@openquery.com>
Peter Lieverdink <me@cafuego.net>

== Copyright ==

Copyright 2010 Arjen Lentz and Peter Lieverdink.

== Links ==

  OQGRAPH		http://openquery.com/graph
  Friendlist	http://drupal.org/project/friendlist
  OurDelta		http://ourdelta.org/