Rotten Tomatillos API


  • Get all movies => api/v1/movies

  • Get movie by id => api/v1/movies/:id

  • Get a movie's trailers by id => api/v1/movies/:id/videos

API is deployed on Heroku: Rancid Tomatillos API

File Generator Utility

  • Uses existing Heroku API provided by Turing to generate complete data files for movies and their respective trailers.
  • Files are then used as data source for the API.
  • Utilizes a progress bar

Installation Instructions

  • Clone down this repo
  • cd into directory
  • run npm i express

If Turing API has updates, can regenerate the list

  • Run with node utils/movie-data-generator
  • Files are saved in /data-files

If no updates

  • run nodemon server.js
  • go to localhost:3001

Potential Issues:

  • Heroku API must be up
  • Any changes to Heroku API e.g URL path or shape of response data could break functionality


  • Create .js files with export default appended to make files immediately usable
    • Currently objects must be copied into correct format.
  • Looking into streaming data objects to file as they are retrieved vs writing to an array and then writing the array to a file.
    • Writing all objects to an array is not scalable as they're stored in memory in the array before being written to file. If >= 2GB of movie data, the array could not hold them.
    • A stream would write the object to file then release it from memory, only ever storing 1 object in memory.
