Java DApp with Spring Boot & Maven

This repository contains the code for a decentralized application (DApp) developed using Java, Spring Boot, and Maven, as part of the Udemy Blockchain course.


This DApp showcases the potential of blockchain technology in real-world applications, emphasizing transactional nuances and the integration of smart contracts.


  • Java JDK 11 or higher
  • Maven 3.6.x
  • Spring Boot 2.5.x

Setup & Installation

  1. Clone the Repository git clone java-block-chain cd java-block-chain

  2. Build with Maven mvn clean install

  3. Run the Spring Boot application mvn spring-boot:run


  • Blockchain Implementation: Built upon a solid blockchain foundation developed during the course.
  • Cryptocurrency Transactions: Allows for the creation, validation, and management of digital currency transactions.
  • Smart Contract Integration: Demonstrates how smart contracts can be integrated into a DApp environment.

API Endpoints

(You can list down your API endpoints here)

  • GET /blocks: Retrieve all blocks in the blockchain
  • POST /transaction: Create a new transaction


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




For more details, queries, or collaboration opportunities, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.