
A probabilistic SIP simulation environment

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is one of the most popular open standard signaling protocols designed for Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Yet, difficulties of access to a real SIP data set prevent researchers from studying on SIP-related tasks. The motivation of this work is to present a tool that eliminates the real data set obstacle. We developed a python library named BOUN-SIM that generates real-time SIP traffic by simulating behaviors of a number of users. Our system is also capable of recording the data and re-running the simulation.

Please refer to boun-sim-documentation.pdf for the software architecture, implementation details, installation manual, dependencies and how to run.

Folder Content

Below are the brief description of each folder in this repository:


An implementation of of Bayesian multiple change point model. You can see bcpm/demo.py and bcpm/demo2.py for experiments with synthetic and real-data, respectively.


Monitor is the unit that runs in a SIP server, collects the features of interest and delivers to some other machine via the Internet. See monitor/boun_client.py and monitor/boun_server.py for example implementations.


This folder contains 4 different data sets, each of which containing 40 DDoS attacks along with SIP network traffic. SIP traffic is generated using our Simulator and a commercial vulnerability scanning tool named Nova V-Spy


Simulator is a stand-alone program that generates the network traffic by exchanging SIP packets with a SIP server and runs independent of the rest of the modules. To produce SIP packets, we make use of pjsip, an open source library implementing SIP and many other protocols.

Virtual Machine

Our simulation system together with all dependencies has been installed in a virtual machine. You can right click and choose "save as" for this link. to download the virtual machine. You can open it with VirtualBox and immediately run the simulator. Total download size is 6.6 GB.

About the Work

This study is a Bogazici University - NETAS Nova V-Gate collaboration and funded by TEYDEB project, "Realization of Anomaly Detection and Prevention with Learning System Architectures, Quality Improvement, High Rate Service Availability and Rich Services in a VoIP Firewall Product'', by the Scientific and Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TUBITAK).