
Contains the tutorial material prepared for OOP course in Bogazici University

Primary LanguageJava


Contains the tutorial material prepared for Introduction to Object Oriented Progamming(CmpE 160) course in Bogazici University, Spring 2016 semester. Visualization is the main aspect in most of the projects. We decided to go with ACM Java Task Force packages. See http://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/jtf/ for more detail.


Contains the implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game, aka X-O-X. ACM Java Task Force library is used to implement the game, and the input is given by the mouse. Both players in the game, each having a mark, tries to fill in a row or column with his mark.

Our first aim while designing the code was to teach object oriented programming concepts, such as encapsulation and data hiding. So, implementation is not perfect but a good starting point to teach the basics of OOP.