
Simple tweepy bot for automated Twitter interactivity.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple tweepy scripts for automated Twitter interactivity.

In the spirit of Twitter, follow me!

I'll be making some base use-case templates for you to use...stay tuned!


To run any of these scripts, you'll need:


samplekeys.py is the place for your Twitter keys. If you put your project on Github, remember to .gitignore (see my .gitignore file)

autotweet.py reads lines from a text file and tweets from your bot's account at specified intervals. To run: python autotweet.py yourtextfile.txt


Add your own scripts by submitting a pull request!

aribot.py (from the autotweet.py template) tweets every 90 seconds, pulling line-by-line from a text file that is given as an argument.

To run: python aribot.py yourtextfile.txt

arireplybot.py, when run, searches for a keyword and tweets at any users who used that keyword.

To run: python arireplybot.py

Note: will be updated later with error handling

aristreambot.py constantly monitors a stream of tweets with given filters and favourites, retweets, and replies.

To run: python aristreambot.py

Note: limited error handling. Will be updated.

wavofave.py favorites all tweets with given keywords, with a 10 second delay.

To run: python wavofave.py