Requirements ============ * Linux (32-bit or 64-bit) or MacOS (tested with 10.6.8) * OCaml >= 3.11.2 * Emacs (Tested with 23.2.1, does not work under X-Emacs, reported to work with Aquamacs but with performance issues) * Gnu diff, present in PATH Install ======= 1: ./configure [options] Usefull options (examples): --bindir=/opt/typerex --disable-version-check do not check OCaml version (allows, e.g., ocaml-3.12.1-rc1) --with-lispdir=~/.emacs.d default is a system-wide installation path --with-ocp-build=<command> default is 'ocp-build' if found, `pwd`/boot/ocp-build.boot otherwise --disable-auto-complete default is to install Emacs auto-complete, unless found in lispdir --enable-cmt binary-annotate typerex sources (for typerex developpers) 2: make 3: sudo make install Append (and/or customize) the contents of emacs.append to your ~/.emacs: 4: cat emacs.append >>~/.emacs Uninstall ========= To remove installed binaries and libraries: - sudo make uninstall