The TTCP CAGE Challenges are a series of public challenges instigated to foster the development of autonomous cyber defensive agents. This CAGE Challenge 4 (CC4) returns to a defence industry enterprise environment, and introduces a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) scenario.
- A-acutoUniversity of Livepool
- afittsUniversity of Texas
- aj-scires
- AmusedNetwork
- ant-m-b@Camulos-io
- antrublerPrinceton, NJ
- B0RIS15Moscow
- callamdWest Midlands
- chemaliriad
- chengjunyan1Seattle, WA
- DanielwoodhApplied Data Science Partners
- davidADSPApplied Data Science Partners
- dominickreiUNC Charlotte
- F3daiLondon, United Kingdom
- henri
- hkscy@alan-turing-institute
- IlyaOrsonImperial College London
- jaromiruCTU Prague
- JayBlaine
- johannesfbraun
- john-cardiff
- kcorderUniversity of Delaware
- markernest0
- McFadden-SKing's College London
- MitchellKiely
- onaish-dstlUK
- PansharkNew York University
- raphsimon
- rcampbell95San Jose, CA
- rdttl
- rezaduty
- tangyunlongGuangxi University of science and technology
- VisaCai
- WilliamADSP
- woprd
- zazyzaya