
Primary LanguagePython

RestDB - python version

###Local API explorer


###Insert or Update Data

  • route: /_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table:
  • method: POST
  • body: json string includes following columns
    • pk_column: The column id of the document that must inside file column
      • type: string
    • file: The upload records that must have at least one column that config in pkColumn
      • type: JSON string

Request example

curl -sS -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user \
  -d '{ "pk_column": "id", "file": "[{\"id\":123,\"user\":\"simonsu\"},{\"id\":223,\"user\":\"jelly223\"}]"}'

###Get Data

  • route: /_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}/{key_name}
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table: The interactive table
    • key_name: The column
  • method: GET

Reqeust Example

curl http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user/123 | json

###List Data

  • route: /_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table: The interactive table
    • key_name: The column name
  • method: GET

Request Example

curl http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user | json

Get Data By Query

  • route: /_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}/query/{type}
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table: The interactive table
    • type: eq, gt, lt
    • body
      • key_name: the column name
      • value: column value
  • method: GET

Request Example

curl -L -G -d "key_name=user&value=jelly223" http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user/query/eq | json

###Get Data By Gql

  • route:/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}/gql
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table The interactive table
    • method: GET

Request Example

curl http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user/gql?gql=select%20*%20from%20mitac_user

###Delete Data

  • route: /_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/{dataset}/{table}/{key_name}
    • dataset: The data group name
    • table: The interactive table
    • key_name: the column name
  • method: DELETE

Request Example

curl -sS -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/restDB/v1/restdb/mitac/user/123