
One issue and an enhancement request

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for this extension! - I have been using it happily for a while now.

There is a problem sometimes with the extension not getting the title properly after clicking and selecting the format - it is solved by selecting another tab and then coming back to the desired tab - I can help debug this more if it is useful?

Enhancement request: Copy to Clipboard ALL the titles and urls for the current window.

LIke a lot of other people, I group related tabs into a single window - it would be great to grab ALL the info for all the tabs with one click . .


It's glad to hear you enjoyed at extension. Extension will get active tab by chrome API chrome.tabs.onActivated and chrome.tabs.onUpdated. If you could provide more information to me (which scenario you met) and it will more easy to catch the root cause.

For Enhancement request that's not difficult. Let me have a look to how to implement it.

I am happy to help debug - I am interested to better understand how the extension works too.- I have cloned the repo but I can't load the unpacked extension . .

I then looked at the code in the devtools environment and I found chrome.tabs.onActivated in the sources - I will try setting break points etc and see what I can find out.

For Enhancement request that's not difficult. Let me have a look to how to implement it.



Are you still supporting this extension? Any chance of getting the enhancement I wanted?



2.1.0 Released at February 1, 2022 has been support "Auto detect" selections ALL link. You Need to select Fist (cmd + A in Mac or ctrl + A in Windows) then select what pattern you want (both menu bar icon or contextMenu support)
CleanShot 2022-02-07 at 09 34 44@2x

Please let me know if this feature fit your requirement .