go-kit add GRPC via Google Cloud Run

This sample presents:

  • cmd/add: go-kit base GRPC application that provide two method Sum and Concat
  • cmd/addcli: a small go cli to send message to GRPC server

The Protocol Buffer Definition

this is go-kit base GRPC application that support two method Sum and Concat, Take a look in pb/add/add.proto

service Add {
  rpc Sum(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse);
  rpc Concat(ConcatRequest) returns (ConcatResponse);

message SumRequest {
  int64 a = 1;
  int64 b = 2;

message SumResponse {
  int64 res = 1;
  string err = 2;

message ConcatRequest {
  string a = 1;
  string b = 2;

message ConcatResponse {
  string res = 1;
  string err = 2;

The Server

go-kit base Add service project layout (ref 如何透過 Go-kit 快速搭建微服務架構應用程式實戰)

├── cmd
│   ├── add
│   │   └── main.go
│   └── addcli
│       └── main.go
├── internal
│   ├── app
│   │   └── add
│   │       ├── endpoints
│   │       │   ├── endpoints.go
│   │       │   ├── middleware.go
│   │       │   ├── requests.go
│   │       │   └── responses.go
│   │       ├── service
│   │       │   ├── logging.go
│   │       │   ├── service.go
│   │       │   └── version.go
│   │       └── transports
│   │           └── grpc
│   └── pkg
│       ├── errors
│       │   └── errors.go
│       └── responses
│           ├── decode.go
│           ├── errors.go
│           ├── httpstatus.go
│           └── responses.go
├── pb
│   └── add
│       ├── add.pb.go
│       ├── add.proto
│       └── compile.sh

Running Locally

Now let's start add service locally

go run cmd/add/main.go

There are tow way you connect add GRPC service

use cmd/addcli

go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=localhost:8181 -insecure=true -method=sum 1 1
go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=localhost:8181 -insecure=true -method=concat 1 1

user grpcurl

grpcurl -plaintext -proto ./pb/add/add.proto -d '{"a": 1, "b":1}' localhost:8181 pb.Add.Sum


Google Cloud Run button

  1. Deploy by Cloud Run button

    Run on Google Cloud

  2. Fetch cloud run endpoint

    gcloud config set project <project-name>
    GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
    GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$GCP_PROJECT" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
      gcloud run services list \
      --project=${GCP_PROJECT} \
      --region=${GCP_REGION} \
      --platform=managed \
      --format="value(status.address.url)" \
      ENDPOINT=${ENDPOINT#https://} && echo ${ENDPOINT}
  3. We'll account for that in our grpcurl invocation by omitting the -plaintext flag:

    grpcurl -proto ./pb/add/add.proto -d '{"a":1, "b":1}' ${ENDPOINT}:443 pb.Add.Sum
    grpcurl -proto ./pb/add/add.proto -d '{"a":"1", "b":"1"}' ${ENDPOINT}:443 pb.Add.Concat

    or use cmd/addcli

    go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=${ENDPOINT}:443 -insecure=false -method=sum 1 1
    go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=${ENDPOINT}:443 -insecure=false -method=concat 1 1
  4. Clearing

    gcloud run services delete gokit-add-cloud-run --region=${GCP_REGION} --platform=managed

Deploy manual by gcloud command

  1. Setup GCP project

    gcloud config set project <project-name>
    GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
    GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$GCP_PROJECT" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
  2. Build Docker Image

    build docker image via build pack locally

    skaffold build
    docker push ${DOCKER_IMAGE}

    or use gcloud builds and push docker image to gcr.io

    gcloud builds submit --pack builder=gcr.io/buildpacks/builder:v1,env=GOOGLE_BUILDABLE=cmd/add/main.go,image=${DOCKER_IMAGE}
  3. Deploy cloud run via gcloud command

    gcloud run deploy ${CLOUD_RUN_NAME} \
        --image=${DOCKER_IMAGE} \
        --platform=managed \
        --allow-unauthenticated \
        --project=${GCP_PROJECT} \
  4. Connecting

    gcloud run services list \
    --project=${GCP_PROJECT} \
    --region=${GCP_REGION} \
    --platform=managed \
    --format="value(status.address.url)" \
    ENDPOINT=${ENDPOINT#https://} && echo ${ENDPOINT}
  5. We'll account for that in our grpcurl invocation by omitting the -plaintext flag:

    grpcurl -proto ./pb/add/add.proto -d '{"a":1, "b":1}' ${ENDPOINT}:443 pb.Add.Sum
    grpcurl -proto ./pb/add/add.proto -d '{"a":"1", "b":"1"}' ${ENDPOINT}:443 pb.Add.Concat

    or use cmd/addcli

    go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=${ENDPOINT}:443 -insecure=false -method=sum 1 1
    go run cmd/addcli/main.go -server=${ENDPOINT}:443 -insecure=false -method=concat 1 1
  6. Clearing

    gcloud run services delete ${CLOUD_RUN_NAME} --region=${GCP_REGION} --platform=managed