gokit simple workshop


  • build simple web seervice with buildin net/http pacage
    # switch 01 foldeer
    cd 01
    # run simple web service
    go run main.go
    # visit web service
    curl localhost:8080


  • create struct and implement handler interface ServeHTTP(ResponseWriter, *Request)
    # switch 02 foldeer
    cd 02
    # run simple web service
    go run main.go
    # visit web service
    curl -X POST localhost:8080 -d '{"a":1, "b": 1}'


  • Extend 02 sample to build
  • Extract Gokit basic component to demo who Gokit does work: Service,Endpoint,Transport
    # switch 03 foldeer
    cd 03
    # run simple web service
    go run main.go
    # visit web service
    curl localhost:8080


  • generator gokit basic service by toolchain cage1016/gk: Go-Kit Genetator
    # switch 04 foldeer
    cd 04
    # run simple web service
    go run cmd/square/main.go
    # visit web service
    curl -X POST -d '{"s": 5}' localhost:8180/square