
A simple node.js cache manage system

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#How to use


Cache.createCache([cache algorithm], [cache size])

  • About cache algorithm: you have two choice "LRU" or "LFU", of course you can add your own algorithm. If you not sure which algorithm, you can choose the following manage mode.
var cache = require("Cache");
Cache.createCache("LRU", 100 * 100 * 10);


cache.set(key, value[, expire(millisecond)])

cache.set("key", "value", 1000 * 60);



cache.get("key") // value or null



##Manage Mode

If you are not sure which cache replacement algorithm is you need, you can try this model, it will caculate the recently 100 * 100 * 3 get hit rate in different algorithm.And according the hit rate choose the higher algorithm one:

var CacheManage = require("./Manage");
CacheManage.set("key", "value", 1000 * 60);