This script will give the necessary files to generate automatic namet ags for CS Fair by using Adobe Illustrator*.
This script works on a web server soo you need to have a web server. It does not matter web server based on your local computer or on a remote server. Script creates a directory to upload CSV file into it. You have to give required permissions to the directory (eg. chmod o+w <directory_name>).
A web server, Adobe Illustrator and a web browser.
As the first step prepare a name list in spreadsheet and export it as CSV file. Be careful, the script is using semi-column as the delimiter and do not add anything but names and surnames.
Upload the CSV file to the website. The website will give you the script that you need for creating the nametags and the necessary nametag template.
Download template and script from the download links.
Open Adobe Illustrator and select “Other Scripts” from “File” > “Scripts” > “Other Scripts”
Select “script.jsx” from the dialog box popped out. After that Illustrator asks the template file select “template.ait”. Do not minimize Illustrator while it is working. After Illustrator finishes its task it will ask a folder to save nametags as PDF file format.
I want to thank Asst. Prof. Hamdi Dibeklioğlu and Barış Poyraz for their valuable contributions.