

This collection of tools will create a Jenkins Cluster on AWS. It will create a master node and multiple slave nodes

Prerequisites - Required Software

Prerequisites - Configuration

Make sure you have entered your aws credentials and set the default region by

aws configure

Run Vault Server by (dev environment is ok for our case)

vault server -dev

Recrord the password which will be used for admin user of Jenkins

vault kv put secret/jenkins-pass pass=<your-password>

You will need to pass token as environment variable. The token will be shown after vault server ready

export VAULT_TOKEN=<your-token>

Create or upload a public private key pair on AWS named Jenkins and add the private key to your system.

Get the subnet ID and security group ID and paste them into the relevant fields in Jenkins.pkr.hcl

Running the Automation

Just type

packer build -parallel-builds=1 jenkins.pkr.hcl   

What does this Automation do?

  • Retrieves the password from Vault
  • Packer creates a Golden Image named jenkins-golden-image
    • Installs Jenkins and other required packages
    • Sets the admin password which will be taken from Vault
    • Installs Jenkins plugins
  • Terraform creates instances by using AMI created by Packer
    • Fetches Public IPs of instanes
  • Ansible adds Slaves to the Master