Adventure Game

A text-based adventure game made in Java.

Purpose Of The Game

Collecting all items at battle locations, fighting various obstacles while doing so.

What can the player do:

  • The player first chooses a character by looking at their attributes such as health, damage power, how much money they have and etc.
  • Travel between locations with that character.
  • Fights monsters where he/she goes to collect items.
  • May die while fighting.
  • If he/she wins the fight, wins both the item in that location and the prize money.
  • Can go to the store and buy items for battles.
  • Can go to the safe house and restored his health.
  • If he/she collects all the items, wins the game.


Character ID Damage Health Money
Samurai 1 5 21 15
Archer 2 7 18 20
Knight 3 8 24 5


Obstacle ID Damage Health Money
Zombie 1 3 10 4
Vampire 2 4 14 7
Bear 3 7 20 12
Snake 4 3-6 12 random item


Weapon ID Damage Money
Gun 1 2 25
Sword 2 3 35
Rifle 3 7 45


Armor ID Damage Money
Light 1 1 15
Medium 2 3 25
Heavy 3 5 40


Safe House

  • Feature : Life Regenerating


  • Obstacle Zombie (1-3)
  • Feature : War + Loot
  • Item : Food


  • Obstacle : Vampire (1-3)
  • Feature : War + Loot
  • Item : Firewood


  • Obstacle : Bear (1-3)
  • Feature : War + Loot
  • Item : Water


  • Obstacle : Snake (1-5)
  • Feature: War + Loot
  • Item: Random
  1. Money(25%)
    1. 10(20%)
    2. 5(30%)
    3. 1(50%)
  2. Weapon(15%)
    1. Rifle(20%)
    2. Sword(30%)
    3. Gun(50%)
  3. Armor(15%)
    1. Heavy armor(20%)
    2. Medium armor(30%)
    3. Light armor(50%)
  4. Nothing(45%)


  • Feature : Buying Supporting Items
  • Weapon : Gun, Sword, Rifle
  • Armor : Light, Medium, Heavy

UML Diagram
