This is a solution template for creating a Blazor WebAssembly application hosted on ASP.NET Core 7 and following the principles of Clean Architecture.
The solution template requires the latest version of .NET 7 SDK.
Install the project template:
dotnet new install sahinhurcan.CleanBlazor
Create a new app:
dotnet new clean-blazor-sln --output CleanBlazor123
Launch the app:
cd CleanBlazor123\src\WebUI\Server
dotnet run
The template is currently configured to use SQL Server Express LocalDB for development and Azure SQL once deployed. I understand this will be difficult for some developers, and will look other options in the near future.
The template uses Entity Framework Core and migrations can be run using the EF Core CLI Tools. Install the tools using the following command:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Once installed, create a new migration with the following commands:
cd src\Infrastructure
dotnet ef migrations add "Initial" --startup-project ..\WebUI\Server
Review the Entity Framework Core tools reference - .NET Core CLI | Microsoft Docs to learn more.
This project is licensed with the MIT license.