
Gateway agregation layer implemented in Express server with GraphQL for Tenpo challenge.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Gateway agregation layer implemented in Express server with GraphQL.


GraphQL Schema



type User {
  "The user ID"
  id: ID

  "The name of a user"
  name: String!

  "The email of a user"
  email: String!

  "The password of a user"
  password: String!

  "The date and time at which this user was created"
  createdAt: DateTime

  "The date and time at which this user was last updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime

  "The date and time at which this user was deleted"
  deletedAt: DateTime
type Restaurant {
  "The restaurant ID"
  id: ID!

  "The name of a restaurant"
  name: String!

  "The rating of a restaurant"
  rating: String!

  "The address of a restaurant"
  address: String!

  "Indicates if restaurant is open"
  open: Boolean

  "The photoReference of a restaurant"
  photoReference: String!

  "The coordinate of a restaurant"
  coord: Coord!
type Coord {
  "The coordinate latitude"
  latitude: String!

  "The coordinate longitude"
  longitude: String!
type History {
  "The history ID"
  id: ID!

  "The user id of a history"
  userId: String!

  "The coordinate latitude"
  latitude: String!

  "The coordinate longitude"
  longitude: String!

  "The date and time at which this history was created"
  createdAt: DateTime

  "The date and time at which this history was last updated"
  updatedAt: DateTime

  "The date and time at which this history was deleted"
  deletedAt: DateTime


listRestaurantsByCoord(input: ListRestaurantByCoordInput!): ListRestaurantByCoordPayload!
listHistoryByUserId(input: ListHistoryByUserIdInput!): ListHistoryByUserIdPayload!


signup(input: SignUpInput!): SignUpPayload!
login(input: LoginInput!): LoginPayload!


http://localhost:5000/graphql: for open browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.

Commands (Development)

make prepare: prepare repository.

make typescript: Transpile typescript dependencies.

make docker: build docker.

make r: run tenpo gateway service.


  • implements listHistoryByUserId endpoint.