This is a battleship game project created by Gabriel Madera, Drew McFaul, Alex Kim, and Caroline Hernandez. This project allows you to play a full game of battleship, where each player has a fleet of 5 ships and exciting abilities at their disposal. There is a high score system based on the number of turns taken to win. This project uses test driven development and incorporates various object oriented practices and software design patterns.
Requirements to run this game and its tests include:
- java 1.8.0 or higher (
- junit 1.4 or higher (
- Running main should start a game.
Assignment template
- Names of all team members. No grade if your name is not in the readme
- Caroline Hernandez, Alex Kim, Gabe Madera, Drew McFaul
- An appropriate .gitignore
- The pdf with the CRC cards
- The pdf and code changes tagged with the tag "milestone1"