
Usage - Xilinx ISE Design Studio

  • Download newTB.v to any folder.
  • On Studio, right click your project from your Hierarchy placed on the panel Design.
  • Click Add Copy of Source.
  • Select newTB.v file from the folder it is in.
  • Select Simulation from View, placed on the panel Design.
  • Right click and remove the older testbench file.
  • Select newTB from the Hierarchy and double click Simulate Behavioural Model under ISim Simulator.
  • You can see your result at the bottom.

Want to add test cases?

  • You can add test cases to the file newTB.v by getting help from the convention used on that file.
  • Do not forget to increase test count from the very bottom of the file.
  • If you have cases that you think worth trying and you are willing to share them with people, contact me and I will spend the effort to include them.

Want to share your test cases with people?

  • Don't hesitate to create a pull request.


  • Y. Cahit Yıldırım