
✨ makeStyles is dead, long live makeStyles!

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✨ makeStyles is dead, long live makeStyles! ✨

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'tss-react' is intended to be the replacement for @material-ui v4 makeStyles and 'react-jss'.

$ yarn add tss-react @emotion/react

JavaScript support: YES.

If the API frustrate you in anyway feel free to start a discussion 💬
If you like TSS consider giving the project a ⭐️


Get started 🚀


yarn build
#For automatically recompiling when file change
#npx tsc -w

# To start the Single Page Application test app (create react app)
# This app is live here: https://garronej.github.io/tss-react/
yarn start_spa

# To start the Server Side Rendering app (next.js)
yarn start_ssr

# To start the Server Side Rendering app that test the mui v4 integration.
yarn start_muiV4

In SSR everything should work with JavaScript disabled

Changelog highlights

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  • I.E is almost supported out of the box (See note at the end of this sections)

Breaking changes in v3


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Why this instead of the hook API of Material UI v4?

First of all because makeStyle is deprecated in @material-ui v5 but also because it has some major flaws. Let's consider this example:

import { makeStyles, createStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";

type Props = {
    color: "red" | "blue";

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme =>
    createStyles<"root" | "label", { color: "red" | "blue" }>({
        "root": {
            "backgroundColor": theme.palette.primary.main,
        "label": ({ color }) => ({

function MyComponent(props: Props) {
    const classes = useStyles(props);

    return (
        <div className={classes.root}>
            <span className={classes.label}>Hello World</span>

Two pain points:

  • Because TypeScript doesn't support partial argument inference, we have to explicitly enumerate the classes name as an union type "root" | "label".
  • We shouldn't have to import createStyles to get correct typings.

Let's now compare with tss-react

import { makeStyles } from "./makeStyles";

type Props = {
    color: "red" | "blue";

const { useStyles } = makeStyles<{ color: "red" | "blue" }>()(
    (theme, { color }) => ({
        "root": {
            "backgroundColor": theme.palette.primary.main,
        "label": { color },

function MyComponent(props: Props) {
    const { classes } = useStyles(props);

    return (
        <div className={classes.root}>
            <span className={classes.label}>Hello World</span>


  • Less verbose, same type safety.
  • You don't need to remember how things are supposed to be named, just let intellisense guide you.

Besides, the hook api of material-ui, have other problems:

  • One major bug: see issue
  • JSS has poor performances compared to emotion source

Why this instead of Styled component ?

See this issue

Compile error TS1023

If you get this error:

node_modules/tss-react/index.d.ts:18:10 - error TS1023: An index signature parameter type must be either 'string' or 'number'.

18         [mediaQuery: `@media${string}`]: { [RuleName_1 in keyof ClassNameByRuleName]?: import("./types").CSSObject | undefined; };

it means that you need to update TypeScript to a version >= 4.4.
If you can't use import { } from "tss-react/compat"; instead of import { } from "tss-react".
Only withStyles() will have slightly inferior type inference.