
Seafile server package for Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguageShell

Seafile server package for Raspberry Pi. Maintained by seafile community.



For Seafile versions which use Python 3. Seafile versions higher than 7.0.

E.g. to compile Seafile server v7.1.4:

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haiwen/seafile-rpi/master/build3.sh
$ chmod u+x build3.sh
$ ./build3.sh 7.1.4

Schema of created directory structure

seafile@rpi-bionic:~$ ll
-rwxr--r-- 1 seafile seafile 7391 May 20 21:44 build3.sh
drwxr-xr-x 1 seafile seafile   60 May 20 21:18 built-seafile-server-pkgs
drwxr-xr-x 1 seafile seafile  214 May 20 21:14 built-seafile-sources
drwxr-xr-x 1 seafile seafile  160 May 20 21:14 haiwen-build
├── built-seafile-server-pkgs
├── built-seafile-sources
└── haiwen-build
    ├── ccnet-server
    ├── libevhtp
    ├── libsearpc
    ├── seafdav
    ├── seafile-server
    ├── seafobj
    ├── seahub
    └── seahub_thirdparty

For Seafile versions which use Python 2. Seafile versions lower than 7.1, e.g. v7.0.5:

$ git clone https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-rpi.git
$ cd seafile-rpi
$ sudo ./build.sh

Manual and Guides

Reporting Issues / GitHub Issues

If you have any problems or suggestions when using the seafile rpi server package, please report it on seafile server forum.

GitHub Issues support is dropped and will not be maintained anymore. If you need help, clarification or report some weird behaviour, please post it on the seafile server forum as well.
