
Source for the Cyclone website https://cyclone.dev

Primary LanguageCSS


Before posting an article

_posts directory

|----_posts(The article is placed in this directory)

To create a post, add a file to your _posts directory with the following format:


The beginning of the contents of the .md file need to be as follows:

layout: post
title:  "The name of your article"
date:   "2019-05-07 14:50:10 +0800"
author: "your name"
categories: cyclone
cover: /assets/images/f1.png
summary: "As far as the design of the current page is concerned, the content here cannot be empty."

And cover is the article cover picture, you can consider the following two forms:

  1. Put the picture in the assets/images/ directory, which means that the cover needs to be written as /assets/images/XXX
  2. Use URL directly

Running project

  1. Environment installation :https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/

  2. Run command: jekyll server

  3. More: jekylljekyll-guide