
##Getting Started first download node and initiazlize with npm install after node is successfuly install gulp via the following commands...

npm install --global gulp
npm install --save-dev gulp
npm install gulp-sourcemaps gulp-sass gulp-minify-css gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-imagemin --save-dev

after successful install of gulp you can now kick off gulp run gulp this will only run once, so if you want to set it and forget it run gulp watch

First lets install node

sudo npm install npm -g
sudo npm install -g gulp

Once that has run it’s course check your command-line to ensure that there are no error messages. If there are none to be seen, then congratulations! You just installed gulp! Just to double check, let’s refer back to our versioning commands we used above for Node and npm.

gulp -v

Now need to install gulp locally

npm install --save-dev gulp

now install required gulp plugins

npm install gulp-sourcemaps gulp-sass gulp-minify-css gulp-concat gulp-rename gulp-imagemin --save-dev

after successful install of gulp you can now kick off gulp run gulp this will only run once, so if you want to set it and forget it run gulp watch