
Primary LanguageAstro

Fast, Responsive, Beautiful Photography Website

👋 Hey this is my personal photography website that I use to advertise my services! I had a lot of fun building it!

Screenshot of Home Page


  • The website is built using Astro templates, Typescript scripts and TailwindCSS.
  • Simple packages such as lazysizes and minimasonry improve lazy loading and the gallery experience
  • Images are stored and served using ImageKit CDN
  • The contact page sends transactional emails using Brevo (previously Sendinblue)
  • Booking links are linked to Cal.com
  • The site is deployed on Vercel


This architecture with Astro, ImageKit and more, makes for some pretty fantastic features.


  • ImageKit has a fantastic writeup here on responsive images and techniques on how to best serve them. This was an immense help to me when setting up efficient image delivery.
  • If you want to copy my setup, my images are stored in /portfolio/[category] inside ImageKit