
masukomi's collection of configuration files, and common scripts.

Primary LanguageVim Script

What's this?

These are all my configuration files, and common scripts. Keeping them in git provides me with an easy way to keep all the computers I work on functioning in the same manner.

Installation Instructions (for me)

(setting up a new computer from scratch)

  1. Install Firefox
  2. Install 1Password (~5 min)
  3. Install 1Password Plugin for Firefox
  4. Install Alfred
  5. Setup SSH Keys for Github
  6. Install homebrew
  • Place computer password onto clipboard because Homebrew is about to make you enter it 40 times.
  • this will install Command Line Tools for Xcode (this will take like 15 mins)
  1. Log in to Mac App Store
  • Install Moom
  1. Install yadm
  • brew install yadm
  • yadm init
  • yadm remote add origin git@github.com:masukomi/masuconfigs.git
  • yadm pull origin master
  • yadm bootstrap
    • This will take ~30 minutes. Don't run it with time. It'll just hang.
  1. Install Maestral
  • connect to your account
  1. Run task and work through the todo items
  2. Update todo items in bootstrap script to reflect current reality.