
Database migrations and seeds

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Manage database migrations and seeds. Trekker is an incredibly specific tool used to migrate and seed databases. It does this in a very simplistic manner and I'd be surprised if I ever make it do more. I use it in my workflows and it's useful for me.



cargo install trekker


Trekker uses the DATABASE_URL variable to connect to your Postgres database.


Trekker expects that you'll keep migrations in a particular directory.

Writing a migration entails creating a file, db/migrations/001-add-reddit-subreddits.sql, with the migration SQL:

create table if not exists subreddits (
  id serial primary key,
  subreddit varchar not null unique

I use a three digit padded prefix to control execution order but you could also use a timestamp or date.

To run all of the migrations, use the migrate command:

trekker migrate db/migrations


Trekker expects that you'll keep seeds in a particular directory.

Writing a seed entails creating a file, db/seeds/001-add-some-subreddits.sql, with the seed SQL:

insert into subreddits (subreddit) values

I use a three digit padded prefix to control execution order but you could also use a timestamp or date.

To run all of the seeds, use the seed command:

trekker seed db/seeds