vegamcache is a distributed in-memory cache built using gossip protocol for golang.
In vegamcache, network calls are not used for retriving data for each Get. Instead data will be replicated across the node using gossip in backgroud.
Expired keys are removed on gossip instead of having a seperate GC.
Go is fun. I learned lot of thing regarding distributed system and also I'm jobless. Looking for internship. If anyone interested, do ping me at
- Can be used only in golang
- Consumes lot of main memory.(If you worring about memory, folks at google did a good job on group cache)
- sharding the cache instead of storing it in a single hashmap
- benchmarking against other cache service
vg, err := vegamcache.NewVegam(&vegamcache.VegamConfig{Port: 8087,
PeerName: "00:00:00:00:00:01",
Peers: []string{"remoteip1:port","remoteip2:port"},
Logger: log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)})
defer vg.Stop()
if err != nil {
vg.Put("foo", "bar", time.Second*200)
val, exist := vg.Get("foo")
if exist {
vg := vegamcache.NewCache()
vg.Put("foo", "bar", time.Second*200)
val, exist := vg.Get("foo")
if exist {
Feel free to send PR. :)