
Volumetric-based Contact Point Detection for 7-DoF Grasping

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Volumetric-based Contact Point Detection for 7-DoF Grasping

This repository contains the implementation of the work "Volumetric-based Contact Point Detection for 7-DoF Grasping", including data generation, network training, performance validation on simulator, and ros scripts to perform real-robot grasping.

Overview of the grasp pipeline.

Paper, Video

Data Generation

Step 1: generate URDF files from .obj files.

In order to load meshes into both Pybullet and Isaac Gym, we first use mesh_processing.py to convert the .obj mesh files into the URDF format.

python scripts/data_collection/mesh_processing.py \ 
--mesh_path $PATH_TO_OBJ_FILES \ 
--mesh_type $MESH_TYPE \ 

Each URDF folder contains four files. One example is listed below:

-cube#0.010#0.010#0.080  // the folder including obj and URDF files
    -cube#0.010#0.010#0.080.obj  // the mesh file that is vertex-densed, used for grasp analysis
    -cube#0.010#0.010#0.080_col.obj  // the mesh used for collision checking
    -cube#0.010#0.010#0.080_vis.obj  // the mesh used for visualization
    -cube#0.010#0.010#0.080.urdf  // the URDF description file

Some meshes and the corresponding URDFs can be found at here.

Step 2: antipodal analysis on single mesh.

With the mesh set in URDF format, we generate contact pairs with grasp labels for each mesh by running

python scripts/data_collection/grasp_analysis.py \ 
--mesh_path $PATH_TO_URDF_FOLDER \ 
--config config/config.json \ 
--output ${PATH_TO_GRASP_LABEL}/${MESH_TYPE}_grasp_info 
--gui 0

For example, the output files of cube#0.010#0.010#0.080 include


Step 3: random scene construction

Given sets of the mesh, contact pair, and the grasp quality, we can build stacked scenes with labelled contact points

python scripts/data_collection/scene_construction.py \
--config config/config.json \ 
--info ${PATH_TO_GRASP_LABEL}/${MESH_TYPE}_grasp_info \ 
--output ${$PATH_TO_SCENE_OUTPUT}/${MESH_TYPE}/${NUM_OBJ}_objs \

${NUM_OBJ} is determined according to the number of objects stacked in the tray, which is configurated by scene/obj tag in config.json.

Network Training

Step 1: put scenes together

Since the scenes generated with different number of objects are placed in different folders, we need to put them together to simplify the pre-processing. For example, the folder structure of scenes of primitive-shaped objects is

-train  // the folder containing the soft links to the scene files

Then we can use the following command to generate soft links of the scene files in the train folder

for f0 in ../scene/primitives/5objs/*; do f1=$(echo $f0 | cut -d '/' -f 4); f2=$(echo $f0 | cut -d '/' -f 5); ln -s $f0 primitive\-$f1\-$f2; done

The output links are


Step 2: train the network

python scripts/cpn/train_cpn.py \ 
--config config/config.json \ 
--log $PATH_TO_MODEL \ 
--train_dir $PATH_TO_TRAIN \ 
--test_dir $PATH_TO_TEST 

Performance Evaluation

Evaluate antipodal score and collision-free rate

python scripts/cpn/test_cpn.py \ 
--config config/config.json \ 
--model_path $PATH_TO_MODEL/cpn_xxx.pth


Scene data

Setup for real-robot grasping



The codebase and dataset are under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. You may only use the code and data for academic purposes.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing.

    title     = {Volumetric-based Contact Point Detection for 7-DoF Grasping},
    author    = {Cai, Junhao and Su, Jingcheng and Zhou, Zida and Cheng, Hui and Chen, Qifeng and Wang, Michael Yu},
    booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},


The implementation of SDF module is inspired by Andy Zeng's tsdf-fusion-python and Jingwen Wang's KinectFusion.

The real-robot experiments are based on the franka_ros_interface.