
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Caikit Compose

The caikit-compose project provides a framework for composing multiple caikit modules into cohesive realtime AI applications. The project consists of the following core abstractions:

  • Actors: An actor in caikit-compose is analogous to a module in caikit. It performs one or more functions when stimulated by inbound data. Unlike a module, an actor is responsible for subscribing to its own input data and sending its output data using the message queue.

  • Message Queue: The Message Queue (often shortened to mq) is the central backbone of a caikit-compose application. It implements a basic pub/sub pattern where messages are published to topics which have subscribed listeners. Canonically, those listeners will be actors, but can also be any callable as needed by application logic.

  • Grouping: The real power of caikit-compose comes from its ability to manage groups of messages when presenting them to an actor. Some AI functions may require multiple pieces of input data (e.g. raw text plus extracted keywords) and/or multiple sequential pieces of data (e.g. sequence of sentiment scores). With groupings, caikit-compose implements an extensible framework for managing how messages can be collected to form atomic groups that actors can take action on.



An actor in caikit-compose is an atomic unit of action in a realtime AI application. The only required abstract method is subscribe which will be called when an actor is instantiated to connect it to message queue and group store instances. From there, all actions that the actor takes will be in response to messages received from the mq and all outputs that the actor produces will be published to the mq.

Model Actors


The most common actor implementation is a ModelActor that wraps an instance of a caikit module. This actor class is prebuilt and simply requires an instantiated model to be initialized. The subscribe method is implemented to inspect the inference method(s) and create subscriptions with the mq using the full_name of caikit data model objects in the inference method signature. When messages arrive on the mq for the given topic, the model's inference method (run by default) is called and the resulting output is published to the corresponding data object's topic.

Message Queue


In caikit-compose, the Message Queue abstraction implements a simple best-effort pub/sub pattern. An instance of an mq maintains a set of topics, each of which should have a consistent data format (typically a single dataobject type). Each topic has a set of subscribers, and each subscriber belongs to a uniquely identified group. Individual Message instances are published to a single topic and each subscriber group on a given topic will have a single subscriber from the group notified of the published message. This ensures that subscribers can be replicated without duplicating the work done for any given message.

The mq abstraction is best-effort, which is to say that a message is only ever delivered once. If the subscriber that gets notified fails to process fails to handle the message, the message is not retained or retried (there is no ack/nack). This is done both for simplicity, and to encourage applications that are truly realtime where no individual message is explicitly critical to the overall function of the application. There are no do-overs in real life!



The Message class is the central currency for the Message Queue. It is a special @dataobject which is capable of wrapping any arbitrary @dataobject for serialization/deserialization and providing attached header and metadata information. The header contains the following fields:

  • data_id: Application-populated identifier for a unique piece of information. This can be used to provide a relationship between raw input data and derived feature data produced within the application.
  • content_type: This string is used to uniquely identify the type of the data and should correspond with the expected content-type of the topic it is published on.
  • creation_time: This timestamp gets set on construction and can be used to sort message instances chronologically for prioritization and analysis.
  • roi_id: This ID can be used when the application needs to subdivide a given piece of data into regions of interest.



Many logical functions in an AI application require multiple pieces of data to be associated with one another. These pieces of data may be created by multiple atomic actors which work independently of one another. In order for a given actor that requires multiple pieces of data to operate, it must be presented with an atomic group of data elements which have been aggregated together.

In caikit-compose, this is done using groupings. A given grouping type manages one strategy for collecting pieces of data into an aggregate group (e.g. match by a header key such as data_id or match multiple instances of a given content_type into a time sequence). To create a subscription with a grouping, the SubscriptionManager is used. This class acts as an intermediate piece of middleware between the message queue and the actor which will collect messages and maintain partial group state in the group store until the conditions of the grouping are met, at which point, it will present the full group to the actor as an atomic message.

Individual Grouping


The INDIVIDUAL group type is the degenerate grouping which performs no grouping at all and simply passes the input messages directly to the actor.

Key Grouping


The KEY_GROUPING type is configured to match a collection of content_type messages based on the value of one or more fields in the messages. For example, you can aggregate raw text and extracted keywords by using a KEY_GROUPING that matches the header.data_id field (the default match key).

Count Grouping


The COUNT_GROUPING group extends the logic in KEY_GROUPING (allowing for only a single data type as well) to group sequences of messages into sliding windows. The grouping is configured by the collection of data types that should appear in a single frame, the number of frames desired in an atomic sequence, and the stride of the window after a window is sent to the actor.

Custom Groupings


Like other abstractions in the project, groupings are managed by a factory which can be extended with new implementations. The factory uses caikit's ImportableFactory which allows implementations to live in external libraries that are dynamically imported at construction time. Examples of custom grouping semantics might be a grouping which bins input text until a complete sentence is detected and releases individual sentences to the actor.

Group Store


The key to the functionality of groupings is the ability to store a given group's intermediate state while the grouping collects more data. In order to allow this collection to be distributed across multiple instances of a caikit-compose process (e.g. multiple kubernetes pods), the state of groupings is managed by a simple key/value datastore abstraction called the GroupStore. A LOCAL implementation is provided using an in-memory dict, but non-local implementations can be added to the GROUP_STORE_FACTORY to allow for external state holders (e.g. redis) that can be shared across instances.

Subscription Manager


When subscribing an actor to topics on the message queue, a SubscriptionManager is used to bind the actor's inference function(s) to the appropriate groupings. It is the SubscriptionManager which takes care of adding messages to the grouping and dispatching the result to the actor if (and only if) a group completes based on the input message.


You can find all the examples in examples. Here's the simplest "Hello World" to get you started:

from caikit.interfaces.common.data_model import StrSequence
from caikit_compose import MQ_FACTORY, Message

mq = MQ_FACTORY.construct({"type":"LOCAL"})

def greet(msg: Message):
    for name in msg.unwrapped.values:
        print(f"Hello {name}!")

mq.subscribe("input", "", greet)

while True:
    x = input("X: ")
    mq.publish("input", Message.from_data(StrSequence(x.split(","))))