The goal of this project is to locate vehicles at an intersection using the data of vehicles streamed to the infrastructure to locate everyone.
- position of : car 1
- position of : car 2
- position of : car 3
- GOL_publisher
This node takes the positions of the cars available and draw theme on the image
- Image (with 2D BBox drawn)
- Image (from camera)
- BBox 3D
- BBox 3D
- Path to the json of the vehicle information
Draw 3D Bounding box on the image.
- image
- BBox3D
- image with 3D bbox drawn
Draw 2D Bounding box on the image.
- image
- BBox3D
- image with 2D bbox drawn
- list of 2D bbox
- list of 2D points on the image (4 elements, one per corner). Note that everything remains drawn, even if not on the images.