Welcome to SubFaction version: Dysfunctional Prototype http://www.subfaction.com Created by Adam Rochford (Caimen) 2014 SubFaction is an open source project and is available on http://github.com/caimen/subfaction SubFaction is licensed under GPL v3.0 http://subfaction.com/LICENSE.txt ABOUT SubFaction is a personal hobby project of mine built to be a political/trade space simulator. This is a prototype and is barely functional. I am planning on generating a procedural universe with unique characters from politicians to lowly scoundrels to secret double agents infiltrating corporations and governments. The engine is entirely written in javascript uitilizing JQuery, JQuery-UI, Tablesorter-Plugin and Chance.js. Please be sure to use the latest upgraded version of your favorite browser. Internet Explorer is not recommended as it's javascript engine is slow and I don't test in that browser. If your simulation becomes slow after some time, try hitting clear console to clear the screen log. Please report bugs to adamcrochford@gmail.com or submit a request to commit on github. LICENSE SubFaction is licensed under GPL. All I ask is you keep my name in the credits and a link back to subfaction.com INSTALL Everything should work right out of the box whether on a server or local machine. FEEDBACK Please send feedback to adamcrochford[@].gmail.com or fork or commit on github. FINALLY Thanks and Enjoy.