A. Muscoloni, J. M. Thomas, S. Ciucci, G. Bianconi, and C. V. Cannistraci, "Machine learning meets complex networks via coalescent embedding in the hyperbolic space", Nature Communications, 8:1615, 2017. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-01825-5
It contains the main function for performing the coalescent embedding: coalescent_embedding.m. The dimension reduction techniques exploits the MATLAB function eigs and the function lansvd from the PROPACK library, which have a time complexity of O(kN^2). Since in our case k=2 or k=3, it is practically O(N^2). The other files are support functions for computing the edge betweenness centrality (from the MatlabBGL library) or for computing the SVD (from the PROPACK library). The subfolder mex_all_platforms contains the MEX files for different platforms.The support functions of the MatlabBGL library have been downloaded at:
The support functions of the PROPACK library have been downloaded at:
https://github.com/epfl-lts2/unlocbox/tree/master/test_bench/private -
It contains the main function for performing the coalescent embedding: coalescent_embedding.m. The dimension reduction techniques exploits the MATLAB built-in functions svd and eig, which have a time complexity of O(N^3). The other files are support functions for computing the edge betweenness centrality (from the MatlabBGL library). The subfolder mex_all_platforms contains the MEX files for different platforms. -
- plot_embedding.m: plot the embedding given the network and the coordinates.
- angular_alignment.m: align two embeddings of the same network, useful for a comparison of the plots.
- greedy_routing.m: evaluate the greedy routing given the network and the coordinates.
- compare_embedding.m: evaluate the comparison of two embeddings computing HD-correlation and C-score.
- angular_separation_score: evaluate the separation of groups over the circle circumference or sphere surface (for details please see the README within the subfolder).
It contains a script RUN_EXAMPLE.m with two usage examples, all the functions needed for the embedding, visualization and evaluation (described at the previous points) and two example networks (opsahl_11.mat and PSO_network.mat).- Example 1
- 2D embedding of PSO network using RA1-LE-EA
- evaluate comparison of embedding with original coordinates
- plot comparison of embedding with original coordinates
- Example 2
- 3D embedding of opsahl-11 network using RA1-ISO
- evaluation of 3D greedy routing
- 3D plot colored by ground-truth communities
- Example 1
It contains the function create_matrix.m for creating an adjacency matrix starting from an edge list, an example of edge list (opsahl_11.txt) and a script RUN.m with an usage example of the function.
For any problem, please contact:
- Alessandro Muscoloni: alessandro.muscoloni@gmail.com
- Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci: kalokagathos.agon@gmail.com