
Support for 0.8

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Do you guys have an release plan for 0.8? I could not find any information on possible support of the new protocol.


Currently we do not. That's not saying we won't but we are currently running 0.7 in production. To my knowledge 0.8.0 is still in beta and we can't go to it while it is in beta. The last time any of us checked to 0.8 docs, they said the new wire protocol was subject to change so we were not going to prioritize any development towards a 0.8 client until we were sure it would not change.
That said, we do accept contributions.

Ok thanks for letting me know. I'm not a JS developer myself, but I looked into the code, very well organized. I think I might push a way to support this here with internal resources. Would you say that mostly of changes would be on Message.js and how we generate the binary message protocol? I know we'll have a few changes on Producers and Consumers as well, but seems that the bulk of work would be towards the binary protocol right?

Yes, most of the protocol changes would probably be in Message.js and making it fit the new binary that goes over the wire.

This was the first Node.js project I've participated in. It's not too difficult to get started in and we can point you in the direction of good resources for learning more. The biggest learning curve for me was asynchronous testing. Let us know if we can help more.

Are there any updates on this effort?

Nope... Sorry. We probably won't be the team to do it. We're just working on too many other things and this just isn't much of an itch for us anymore.

Is there a lot left to-do for supporting 0.8? Maybe link the adobe research 0.8 library and just make the node.js part an extension around it? I need to take a look some more at it if there is interest in folks moving forward with Kafka and node.js ???? then I would help support and release it from a fork to let me know please. also anyone else interested in helping or working on it together, thats cool also. 0.8.1 release is in 5-6 weeks is it feasible we can get a 0.8.0 version working before then and then keep up with the kafka releases?

We looked at supporting 0.8 about a year ago when the first specs were coming out, and decided the differences were too significant. I can't recall specifically why now, but there are a number of fundamental changes.

I'm not sure why there hasn't been more interest in node.js with kafka, because kafka is really an amazing piece of technology. I think the new long-polling approach for consumers will make for a simpler interface that can be closer to node.js streams as well (though "reliability" hasn't really been solved for streams).

Wrapping an existing lib might work for the short-term, but I think in general node.js developers prefer native (javascript) libraries, because the call out to a non-native library ends up being prohibitively expensive. I agree though... it would be an excellent first step. If you get a working version we'd be happy to link to it. I imagine people would rather use 0.8 from here on out.

It was because the wire protocol was changed and we didn't have the
resources to carry out the rewrite of that.

If we had help we could probably get it going.

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Gregg Caines notifications@github.comwrote:

We looked at supporting 0.8 about a year ago when the first specs were
coming out, and decided the differences were too significant. I can't
recall specifically why now, but there are a number of fundamental changes.

I'm not sure why there hasn't been more interest in node.js with kafka,
because kafka is really an amazing piece of technology. I think the new
long-polling approach for consumers will make for a simpler interface that
can be closer to node.js streams as well (though "reliability" hasn't
really been solved for streams).

Wrapping an existing lib might work for the short-term, but I think in
general node.js developers prefer native (javascript) libraries, because
the call out to a non-native library ends up being prohibitively expensive.
I agree though... it would be an excellent first step. If you get a working
version we'd be happy to link to it. I imagine people would rather use 0.8
from here on out.

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I'd like to start working on adding support for the 0.8 protocol so that I can start using this library myself. I'm hoping to start on this in the next day or so. I'm curious if there is any research available that has gone into the plan moving forward. If not, I'll push a PR early to show my thoughts.


@jirwin We haven't moved on it at all, so we'd certainly entertain PRs. :) Have you got an idea for supporting 0.7 and 0.8 concurrently as well?

Hey all, I am also interested in this library supporting the 0.8 protocol and may be available to lend a hand with the effort if you can lead a charge, jirwin. :)

@jirwin @r4j4h I haven't got a huge amount of time to help these days, but I'm definitely interested, and if I can help, I will. Let me know if you come up with anything, for sure. There seems to be a growing demand for it, for sure.

Guys I have implemented the entire protocol part of 0.8, all the API
classes are ready, Sending messages is also working, only consumers are not
implemented (due my lack of knowledge of JS callbacks ) I'll seek my former
employer and see if I can opensource it.


On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Gregg Caines notifications@github.comwrote:

@jirwin @r4j4h I
haven't got a huge amount of time to help these days, but I'm definitely
interested, and if I can help, I will. Let me know if you come up with
anything, for sure. There seems to be a growing demand for it, for sure.

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The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the
rational mind is a faithful servant. We have
created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift.

elee commented

Tremendous! Please keep us posted! 😄

@viniciusccarvalho any word on this? Would be great to have 0.8 support. Willing to lend a hand on the JS callbacks if that's still an issue.

@viniciusccarvalho I also am willing to lend a hand with the JS callbacks