
configurable man-in-the-middle proxy server for HTTP & HTTPS

Primary LanguageGo

MidProxyEngine v0.0.1

⚠️ This is still in testing ⚠️

MidProxyEngine is a package for setting up a configurable, SSL/TLS-capable man-in-the-middle proxy server. It was created as the backend behind MidProxy.


go get github.com/caio-ishikawa/midproxy_engine

How To Use

In order to start the proxy server over TLS, a .crt and a .key file need to be created in the source directory of the project, and the certificate needs to be added to the OS's trust store. Without this, the MITM certificates would not be accepted by the client.

  1. Generate .key file:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out root.key
  1. Generate .crt file:
openssl req -new -x509 -key root.key -out root.crt
  1. Add to trust store:


    • Copy root certificate to keychain:

      sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" root.crt


    • Copy root certificate to ca-certificates directory:

      sudo cp root.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
    • Update the CA certificates:

      sudo update-ca-certificates


    • Copy root certificate to ca-trust/source/achors:

       sudo cp root.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    • Update the CA certificates:

       sudo update-ca-trust

Simple example of intercepting HTTPS request:

package main

import (

    midproxy "github.com/caio-ishikawa/midproxy_engine"
// Simple onRequest hook that makes original request to target server, logs it, and responds with a string 
func onRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	newURL, err  := url.Parse("https://" + r.Host + r.URL.String())
	if err != nil {

	newReq := new(http.Request)
	newReq.URL = newURL
	newReq.Header = r.Header
	newReq.Body = r.Body
	newReq.Method = r.Method

	_, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(newReq)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error making request: ", err)

	log.Println("Response: ", res)

// Continuously reads strings from a channel and logs them
func handleLogs(p midproxy.Proxy) {
	for {
		data := <- p.LogChan

func main() {
    // Starts proxy with debug mode, and onRequest function
	p, err := midproxy.NewProxy(true, onRequest)
	if err != nil {

    // Logs are handled in a separate goroutine
	go handleLogs(p)

    // Starts proxy server

How It Works


A normal forward or backward proxy would create an encrypted TLS tunnel between the client and the destination server. All requests from the client would go through the tunnel, but the TLS handshake happens between the client and the destination server, which means that the proxy server will not be able to decrypt the data being sent from the client or the server.

IntruderProxy works by creating a man-in-the-middle server, using dynamically generated TLS certificates in order to decrypt and encrypt data to and from the client. This sub-server acts as the destination server, and the TLS handshake happens between it and the client. Which means that the tunnel that would generally be established between the client and the destination server is now established between the client and the man-in-the-middle-server. With this encrypted tunnel established, MidProxyEngine is able to read and write encrypted data to and from the client as if it was the destination.

The logic for the request interception can be configured with the onReq method for the proxy.

    participant client as Client
    participant proxy as Proxy Server
    participant mitm as MITM Server
    participant dest as Destination Server

    client->>+proxy: CONNECT request
    proxy->>proxy: Generate TLS certificate &<br/>starts TLS MITM Server
    proxy->mitm: Establish TLS tunnel
    proxy->>+client: HTTP 200 Connection Established
    client->>+proxy: Starts TLS Handshake<br/>(Client Hello)
    proxy->>+mitm: Proxy handshake
    mitm->>+client: Finish TLS handshake
    client->>+proxy: Send actual request
    proxy->>+mitm: Proxy request
    mitm->>mitm: Inspect or alter request
    mitm->>+dest: Send original or altered request
    dest->>+mitm: Send response
    mitm->>mitm: Inspect or alter response
    mitm->>client: Send original or altered response


No sub-server is started during the interception of a HTTP request, since there is no encryption. Instead, the original request is passed to the onReq method, and the response is returned to the original client conneciton.

WebSockets (TODO)