
Desafio para Rubystas. Mas quem quiser testar em outras linguagens, está convidado também

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Backend Challenge

Caio Nascimento (@caio-nas) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caiomvnascimento/

Project description

You have received a CNAB file with data on financial transactions from various stores. We need to create a way for this data to be imported into a database.

Your task is to create a web interface that accepts the upload of the CNAB file, normalizes the data and stores it in a relational database and displays this information on screen.


  • docker-compose version 1.23
  • internet connection to download containers

How to run

-- If you have Make installed
  make setup

-- Otherwise
  docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
  docker-compose up -d
  docker-compose exec web yarn install --check-files
  docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails db:setup

It will build the docker containers and start the application. This could take a while :-) (depends on )

After that, you can see Rails top page on http://localhost:3000/.

How to test

-- If you have Make installed
  make test

-- Otherwise
  docker-compose exec web bundle exec rspec

How to use

  1. Login with credentials:
  1. On 'Import entries', upload a bank fixed format file (CNAB) - get the sample or DIY

  2. On 'stores', now you can see all imported stores. Click on 'show' to get details about transactions and current account balance