
Program in javascript that simulates a job vacancy system, where it is possible to manage vacancies and add candidates to vacancies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Program in javascript that simulates a job vacancy system, where it is possible to manage vacancies and add candidates to vacancies.

Job Vacancy System

Write a javascript program that simulates a job vacancy system, where you can manage jobs and add candidates to jobs. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Having a menu where it is possible to choose between the different functionalities of the system
    • List available jobs
    • Create a new vacancy
    • View a vacancy
    • Register a candidate for a vacancy
    • Delete a vacancy
    • To go out
  • The option to list vacancies must show the index, name and number of candidates registered for all vacancies.
  • The option to create a new vacancy should ask for a name for the vacancy, a description and a deadline, and should also ask the user to confirm the information before saving it.
  • The option to view a vacancy must ask for the index of the vacancy and show all its information: index, name, description, deadline, number of candidates and the name of the candidates.
  • The option to apply a candidate to a vacancy to ask for the candidate's name, the vacancy index and then a confirmation displaying the vacancy information before saving the candidate to the vacancy.
  • The option to delete a vacancy must ask for the index of the vacancy, show its information and ask the user to confirm the deletion of the vacancy before actually deleting it.

This is the module review exercise, so take the opportunity to use all the features seen so far whenever possible, such as objects, arrays and functions.